Tartan is a patterned cloth, traditionally woven from wool, featuring horizontal and vertical bands in diverse colors. Its origins can be traced back thousands of years. The earliest known examples of tartan-like fabrics date back about 3,000 years and were found in Xinjiang, China.
However, it is in Scotland that tartan truly found its identity and significance. Originally, tartans were associated with specific regions and communities rather than clans. Each pattern, or “sett,” represented a different locale, allowing people to identify where an individual came from based on their tartan.
Today, tartan is more than just a fabric. It represents the enduring spirit of the Scottish people and their rich cultural heritage. Each tartan pattern tells a story, whether it be of a family, a region, or a moment in history.
While it has evolved and expanded its use worldwide, tartan remains a proud emblem of Scotland, celebrated and cherished by Scots and admirers around the globe.
As a proud member of the Widows Sons Lodge No. 869 Free & Accepted Masons of California, I am honored to speak about the deep sense of family and identity that our registered tartan represents. Our unique tartan, officially recorded in the Scottish Tartan Registry on 10th of July 2024 (clink to link to WSL869’s Tartan Registration), it is more than just a pattern;
Each stripe and color tells a story of our collective journey,
The base, burgundy color represents the lodge,
The blue stripes represent the blue canopy of heaven and the City of Murrieta, the “Gem of the Valley”,
Green is directly associated with the idea of resurrection and immortality and
Black and gold exhibiting our Brother Masons in the motorcycle community.
It is a vibrant symbol of our shared heritage, camaraderie, and commitment to Masonic principles. Created to celebrate the 5-year anniversary of our lodge and the 2-year anniversary of our lodge name change.
This design was a concerted effort by Worshipful Mark Nielsen, our charter Secretary and Past Master, and I, as well as Worshipful Rufi Magbanua’s, relentless pursuit in ensuring the tartan woven to specification, kilts crafted and delivered on time.
It is intended to be worn ONLY by members of Widows Sons Lodge 869 and those designated by our Executive Committee. Wearing this tartan fosters a profound sense of belonging and reminds us of the legacy we continue to build. It is not merely fabric; it is the fabric of our spirit, interwoven with threads of history, tradition, and mutual respect. By proudly displaying our tartan, we honor our Masonic origins. It serves as a beacon of our identity, reinforcing the bonds of fraternity and deepening our connections with one another. Our tartan is a powerful emblem of who we are and what we stand for, promoting a spirit of unity and a shared sense of purpose.

27895 Diaz Rd, Temecula, CA 92590
Free and Accepted Masons of California