Freemasonry is a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. It uses the tools and techniques of the stonemasons’ guilds of the Middle Ages to illustrate simple MORAL and ETHICAL principles. To this it adds a philosophical and spiritual framework for personal improvement, portions of which come from other philosophical schools.
Freemasonry seeks to make good men better by encouraging its members to focus on improving their relationships with others, and to practice a life of tolerance, compassion, honesty, and the pursuit of justice
Masonry is a community of men and their families who share similar beliefs and values. The fraternity finds it important to connect with other men of honor, compassion, love, trust, and knowledge, regardless of their race, color, religious beliefs, political views, sexual orientation, physical ability, citizenship, or national origin. We are friends and brothers, and are connected through this vital and uplifting organization of moral men.
As a member of the Freemasons, the Grand Lodge of California, and Widows Sons Lodge 869, we are a part of a worldwide organization that values tradition, history, and timeless wisdom. The traditions and core values of our fraternity are meaningful today and will endure for centuries to come because of our direct impact in our community, through our charities, and on a personal level.
Our continuing pursuit of truth, knowledge, ethics, and leadership skills makes us better men and brings more meaning to our lives. Learning the tenets of Freemasonry, paired with being an active part of our community, gives us the opportunity to develop leadership and organizational skills, and builds self-discipline through commitment and self-confidence.
“The Flash” Dennis Caoile, Past Master WSL 869
A couple of years ago, things at Murrieta № 869 were starting to feel stagnant, says Rufi Magbuana. He’d been one of the charter members of the lodge when it was launched in 2018, but by 2022, he says, the group had hardly grown at all and found that it was having trouble distinguishing itself among the dozen Masonic outfits in Riverside County.
So he and several other members hatched a plan: They’d essentially reset the lodge, with a new name and a new identity. Thus Widows Sons № 869 was born, a group that would meet just quarterly, and instead focus primarily on traveling to perform the ritual for others, embracing philanthropy as a core tenet, and involving family more than ever before. Magbuana knew he’d need officers to help carry out the vision— and he knew exactly who his first call would be to.

There’s no missing the members of Widows Sons 869 when they pull onto the scene. Unofficially known as Team Burgundy, members are loud and proud about Freemasonry, often arriving to degrees or charity events on their motorcycles en masse, wearing their distinctively colored vests, ties, and hats. “To me, team burgundy represents unity, solidarity, and a sense of belonging,” says Worshipful Master Arielito Hipolito. “It shows that each member is part of a cohesive group with shared values and goals. It’s a sense of pride and identity within the fraternity.”
The lodge, which was chartered in 2018 in Murrieta, hasn’t taken long to make its mark. The group hosts frequent charity rides to the Masonic Homes in Covina and elsewhere, and has attracted a following among the two-wheeled set, though they’re equally committed to socializing off the road, as well. In fact, motorcycling isn’t a requirement to join the lodge; only about half the members actually ride, and—in a confusing twist of nomenclature—the motorcycle club they belong to is the Brazen Pillars, a local chapter of the statewide Widows Sons Motorcycle Club.
With members hailing from all over the state, lodge events can easily turn into weekend-long celebrations of Freemasonry. “My favorite part is the camaraderie not only among the brethren, but also with our families,” says Jack Fernando, a charter member of the lodge. “Our lodge makes our gatherings worthwhile by combining business with pleasure. To me, that’s just one of many reasons our lodge exhibits that strength, uniqueness, and sophistication.”
AUTHOR: California Freemason Newsletter
The Heroes of Masonry: They Wear Aprons, Not Capes
WIDOWS SONS LODGE membership is open to men 18 and older who meet the qualifications and standards of character and intention, and who believe in a Supreme Being. Men of all ethnic and religious backgrounds are welcome.
One of Freemasonry’s customs is not to solicit members – men must seek membership on their own initiative. Anyone is welcome to request information about the fraternity.
If you are interested in applying for membership to our lodge, now is a good time to start. Please contact us to schedule a visit during an event, or request more information.

Tartan is a patterned cloth, traditionally woven from wool, featuring horizontal and vertical bands in diverse colors. Its origins can be traced back thousands of years. The earliest known examples of tartan-like fabrics date back about 3,000 years and were found in Xinjiang, China.
However, it is in Scotland that tartan truly found its identity and significance. Originally, tartans were associated with specific regions and communities rather than clans.

27895 Diaz Rd, Temecula, CA 92590
Free and Accepted Masons of California