How to Become a Freemason – Lodge membership is open to men 18 and older who meet the qualifications and standards of character and intention and who believe in a Supreme Being and a future existence (immortality of the soul). Men of all ethnic and religious backgrounds are welcome.
One of Freemasonry’s customs is not to solicit members – men must seek membership on their own initiative. Anyone is welcome to request information about the fraternity.
If you are interested in applying for membership to our lodge, now is a great time to start! Below is some comprehensive information about membership. Please review it as you consider contacting us and requesting a petition. All information about how to become a member, including the request for application/petition, is included below. Please contact us to schedule a visit during an event or request more information.
- Contact us and ask a lot of questions.
- Be a man at least 18 years of age with a belief in a Supreme Being and a belief in a future existence (immortality of the soul)
- Attend our events to get to know us, and so we can get to know you.
- Once you have befriended at least 2 of our members who you feel can personally vouch for you, request an application/petition.
- The process from the first contact to becoming a mason can take anywhere from 2 months to 6 months or longer. The process to go through the degrees of masonry can take from 6 months to 18 months or longer
The Long Version…
2B1Ask1 (To Be One…Ask One)
The first thing you must do is ask. Our rules and regulations prohibit us from recruiting members or soliciting membership. Thus, you must ask and inquire of your own free will and accord. Aside from asking, you must be 18 years old, believe in a Supreme Being, and have not pled guilty or no contest to or been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude (see explanation here).
Once you have contacted us, a dialogue is in order with one of our Executive Committee members (Lodge leadership). We want to be able to answer any initial questions you may have about the Fraternity and our Lodge and confirm who you are.
You have to get to know us, and we have to get to know you. You need to confirm we are a group of men you would like to associate yourself with and us, you. This can only happen in face-to-face interaction and fellowship.
Once you have attended enough events (usually at least 4 – 6 events) and come to where you feel this is something that you would like to pursue in your life, and you begin to understand how you might be able to serve the lodge, the fraternity and/or society, you may ask for an application. Only an Executive Committee member (Master, Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Secretary, Treasurer, or Past Master) may grant you a petition. At this time, you will also need to ask two of our members to vouch for you and sign your petition. Hence, why it is so important that you have garnered a relationship with us prior to asking for a petition. You will also be asked for two personal character references who are not members of our lodge. There is also an application fee due at the time of submission, consisting of some small donations, a background check fee, and costs associated with the lodge conferring the degrees of Masonry upon you. The lodge does not make an income from application fees.
Read the Application in Open Lodge
Once you turn in your application, it will be read in the lodge at the immediately following Stated Meeting. At this time, any member in good standing of our lodge may object to receiving your application. If no one objects, the process continues.
Background Check
As long as no brother objects to receiving your application, your information will be entered into our Grand Lodge membership system, and a background check with the FBI NICS system will be performed.
Concluded that the FBI NICS system does not come back with any negative marks, three lodge members are given a copy of your application. They will schedule time with you to continue your investigation. They will meet with you or you and your spouse (if applicable) and ask questions and answer any questions you may have. This is to confirm that your desire to be a Freemason and a member of our lodge is for the right reasons.
When all three of your investigators return with a favorable report, the lodge will ballot upon your petition at the immediately following State Meeting. The ballot must be unanimous.
First Degree
A clear ballot means that one of our executive committee members will contact you promptly to schedule your first degree.
The usual timeframe from the first contact to initiation is three to six months. The usual time to complete and receive the degrees of masonry is 6 to 18 months.
Why do we have this process?
Freemasons have certain rights, benefits, and privileges, and we want to ensure that only men of the highest moral beacons participate in those and our mysteries. In addition, the total man-hours it takes to confer the Degrees of Masonry on a single candidate is roughly 200+ hours. We do not want to create card-carrying Masons. We want to raise Masons who desire to serve their lodge, the fraternity, and society at large as leaders.
Receiving the degrees of Masonry is a serious undertaking. There are many things to consider prior to requesting an application. By submitting an application, you are saying you would like over a dozen men to dedicate over 200+ man hours to assisting you on a personal journey. Once you go through the degrees, will brothers, local and worldwide, be able to depend on you?
- Am I ready to dedicate time to myself?
Pursuing the degrees of masonry takes time and effort. If you are not at a place in life where you are unable to dedicate time to yourself, now may not be the best time to join. However, there is never a rush in Freemasonry. - .Am I available on most Saturdays?
WSL869 meets on Saturdays and holds practices and education on Fridays and varying days. If you are unavailable these days, perhaps now is not the best time, or you should find a lodge that meets on a different night/day of the week. - Do my family and friends support my decision to join the fraternity?
We have found that most brothers who join the fraternity without support from their family and friends do not last long. - Do I just want to know the secrets…or do I want to better myself and serve my family, friends, and society for their betterment?
To become a mason, one must have a sincere desire to improve oneself and, thus, those around them. - Have I made meaningful connections while attending events at WSL869 that could last for a lifetime?
Without building those bonds, the true benefits of Masonry cannot be realized. Additionally, as mentioned in another article, you will need two members whom you have become close to recommend you for membership. - Am I prepared to attend all required meetings while going through the degrees of masonry and/or communicate readily with my Candidate’s Coach and the Master of the Lodge?
Over 200 man-hours go into preparing someone for and conferring the degrees of masonry on someone. If someone is not committed, then our members spend time away from their families and lives for naught.
l have questions or need to schedule a visit? Please contact us. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
- Am I ready to dedicate time to myself?

27895 Diaz Rd, Temecula, CA 92590
Free and Accepted Masons of California