On Dec. 18th, 2022, Widows Sons Lodge held their annual installation of officers.
With hundreds of Masons in attendance, Banjoe Ventura was installed as the Worshipful Master of 2023.
“I will not tell you or make promises of what we are going to do this year, because we do not make promises, we take actions. As Master of this lodge, I will not ask you to stand in front of me or behind me, but I will ask you to stand side by side with me to conquer all the trials and test we are about to face. With us working as one, nothing is impossible”- WM Banjoe Ventura
WM Banjoe Ventura seating in the East marks the beginning of rebuilding, reengagement and commitment to the lodge. With his line up of officers, Widows Sons Lodge 869 will go back to the basics of Masonry and promote brotherhood and collaboration with neighboring lodges, cities and community.
Completing the line up of officers for 2023-2024
Bro Dennis Caoile – Senior Warden
Bro Arielito Hipolito- Junior Warden
PM Carroll J. Rumpel- Treasurer
PM Mark Nielsen – Secretary
PM Daniel Macaraeg- Chaplain
Bro Chris Johnson – Assistant Secretary
Bro Emmanuel Butiu- Senior Deacon
PM Rufi Magbanua- Marshal
Bro Ruben Padua – Senior Steward
Bro Sergio Baez- Junior Steward
PM Ralph Banci- Tyler
Bro Erwin Bayquen – Organist

27895 Diaz Rd, Temecula, CA 92590
Free and Accepted Masons of California